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A Pipkin of Pepper (SOLD)

NEW Paperback Picture Book : A Pipkin of Pepper by Helen Cooper

In this continuation of Pumpkin Soup, the older Squirrel and Cat take Duck on a shopping trip. The every-present pot of pumpkin soup needs salt and salt is in the city. Unfortunately, Duck has a known tendency of wandering off. Squirrel tells Duck to stay put if he gets lost. "Better yet," says the Cat, "don't get lost at all." In the city, Duck sees a pepper shop and imagines peppered pumpkin soup. When he looks up his companions are gone. Suddenly, the pages are full of enthusiastic helpers working to reunite Duck, Cat and Squirrel. 
Brilliant colors with illustrations that jump off the page, and a safe lost and found story (along with good advice about what to do if you get lost) make this book appealing for pre-readers and their parents.  Ages 4 to 8.
Publisher : Farrar Straus Giroux
List Price : USD$6.95
Selling Price : RM25.00
Code : FSG01

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