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Farmer Duck (SOLD)

NEW Paperback Picture Book & DVD Set: Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell & illustrated by Helen Oxenbury
Smarties Book Prize
British Books Awards Children's Illustrated Book of the Year
Highly Commended for the Kate Greenaway Medal

A bestselling picture book – brought to life with an animated DVD! On a farm, which may be just a few miles away from anywhere, there is a duck who has a truly dreadful life. This poor animal has to work all day, taking care of the entire farm by itself while the farmer lies in bed all day. All day long the farmer yells out "How goes the work?" and all day long the duck answers "Quack!" It is hard to imagine an animal more taken advantage of than this duck. Luckily, the other animals living on the farm decide that enough is enough and take matters into their own hands, or rather into their own hooves and claws. Their love of the duck drives them to do what they can to help. 

For a little light entertainment the author has added the voices of the animals throughout this charming book, which should provide plenty of noisy amusement when reading the book out loud during story time. Helen Oxenbury manages with some of her artist's magic to give the poor duck just the right droop in its shoulders so we know just how tired it is. We know just how fed up it is, and just how delighted it is in the end when it realizes that its life of drudgery is over. Oxenbury gives each of the animals a character without making it either cute or human-like. The animals are still very animal-like, and at the same time, they have thoughts and opinions of their own. With a "Moo!" a "Baa!" and a "Cluck!" this is a book that will be read over and over again.

Publisher : Walker Books
List Price : 7.99pounds
Selling Price : RM36.00 RM30.00
Code : WK39

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