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Farmer Duck (SOLD)

NEW Paperback Picture Book: Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell & illustrated by Helen Oxenbury
Smarties Book Prize
British Books Awards Children's Illustrated Book of the Year
Highly Commended for the Kate Greenaway Medal
In all kinds of weather, this downtrodden duck hauls in the sheep, tends the hens, and does the housework as well. "How goes the work?" the farmer repeatedly asks. "Quack,"the duck constantly replies-until all the barnyard animals convene to help the exhausted servant exact revenge and oust the lazy lout. Hilarious art masterfully captures the expressions of the put-upon duck, the supportive cast, and the slovenly ergophobic who reads the newspaper and chomps on bonbons in bed.
All the while, the use of subtle shading and light reflect the passing of time on the farm and the serenity of the English countryside. Bled double-page spreads burst with life and vitality in a tale that has undertones of Animal Farm and The Bremen Town Musicians
Publisher : Candlewick Press
List Price : USD6.99
Selling Price : RM20.00
Code : CW09

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