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HC10 Goodbye Mog (SOLD)


NEW Softcover Picture Book : Goodbye Mog by Judith Kerr

This book takes an interesting and unusual approach to a longtime favorite character. Although Mog dies on the first page, the cat stays around for the duration of the story in the form of a spirit, thinking that the family won't be able to get along without her. The family members are sad at first, but their attention is soon taken up with a new kitten that is afraid of everything. With the help of Mog, it learns to play like a proper cat, and to love its family and be loved in return. Satisfied that her former family is now in good cat paws, Mog's spirit flies up to the sky.
Like so many other classic children's book characters, this feline seems frozen in time, cared for by children who never get any older and in a house that always appears the same, providing readers the comfort that accompanies familiarity. But young listeners who know Mog may feel as bereft as her fictional family, and the uninitiated may be taken aback by the abrupt death. The floating spirit in each of the color cartoon illustrations may elicit questions that require some thoughtful adult answers.
Publisher : Harpercollins
List Price : 5.99pounds
Selling Price : RM18.00
Code : HC10                 

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