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Rosie's Babies (SOLD)

NEW Paperback Picture Book : Rosie's Babies by Martin Waddell and illustrated by Penny Dale
4 year-old Rosie is a devoted mother to her "babies," just as her own mother is taking good care of the new human baby at their house. 
Gently colored illustrations bring all these lovely characters to life. Together words and pictures tell the story of a mom washing, feeding, dressing, and tucking in the new baby while Rosie talks to her about reading, playing and cooking with, and rescuing her own babies. Rosie's babies are a stuffed bear and rabbit.  A great book to share with kids who have a new sibling.  It's for anyone who loves to play pretend or loves someone who does. 
Publisher : Walker Books
List Price : 4.99pounds
Selling price : RM20.00
Code : WK59

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