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I Don't Want to Go

NEW Hardback Picture Book : I Don't Want to Go by Shirley Hughes
When Lily's Mommy's contracted flu and her Daddy's needs to work..... Lily is required to spend a day at the house of Melanie, a grown-up family friend she barely remembers. Lily is resistant; she repeats the book's title and "went all stiff and would not get out of the stroller." Melanie proves to be a diplomatic hostess, however, and gradually Lily warms up to her surroundings, giving new meaning to "Don't want to go!" in the end. 
Hughes's narration exudes empathy for the dislocated Lily and her densely textured images, which emphasize the connections between characters over environmental detailing, make a strong case that the right people can make any situation feel homey. Despite Melanie having a baby and dog to care for, her patience is unflappable, and Lily's gradual acceptance of the situation unfolds naturally and believably
Publisher : RBooks
List Price : 10.99pounds
Selling Price : RM36.00
Code :RB02

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