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That Rabbit belongs to Emily Brown (SOLD)

NEW Hardback Picture Book : That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown by Cressida Crowell
Emily owns an old stuffed rabbit named Stanley. One day, a footman appears and informs her that the queen has noticed her bunny and is offering a brand-new teddy bear in exchange. Emily isn't interested even after the queen ups the ante, offering dolls and rocking horses in addition to the bear. Then Emily wakes up, and Stanley is gone. Very cross, she runs to the palace, but when she confronts the queen, she decides to share the secret of how to love the new teddy into the perfect shape: "Play with him . . . sleep with him . . . hold him . . and be sure to have lots of adventures." Adventures make up much of the book here, as Emily and Stanley go to the rain forest and the desert in artwork that is sometimes collage and sometimes squiggly drawings, dabbed with color.
Publisher : Hyperion
Selling Price : RM38.00
Code : HY15

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