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Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late! (SOLD)

NEW Paperback Picture Book : Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late by Mo Willems
This story begins with the narrator having a hard time getting a pigeon, the main character, to bed. This narrator has asked the reader to help make sure the pigeon does not stay up late. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Like any normal, energetic child, the pigeon invents excuse after excuse of why he should not go to bed at this time. He also tries to change the subject to anything that does not involve going to bed. Excuses like having a hot dog party are one of the many creative stalling tactics used by the pigeon to stay up even five minutes later—and a wonderful bit of Willems' style. The pigeon refuses to admit that he needs to go to bed but his yawns make it quite obvious that he should. The simple pictures in this funny story will have children sympathizing with this pigeon and making excuses of their own about why they too should stay up late. 
Publisher : Scholastic
Selling Price : RM16.00
Code : SC53

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