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Library Mouse (SOLD)

NEW Paperback Picture Book : Library Mouse by Daniel Kirk
Sam, a library mouse, lives in a hole behind the children's reference books. This charming fellow, who dresses in shirt and pants and sleeps in pajamas, really enjoys his life there, sleeping during the busy days and relishing every kind of book at night. After filling his mind with both facts and imaginary wonders, he decides to write his own book. He works hard to finish Squeak! A Mouse's Life; then he places it on the shelf, in the Biography section of course. His next opus, The Lonely Cheese, goes with the picture books. The children and librarians notice his books and begin to read them. They wonder who the mysterious author is and decide to invite him for Author Day. Instead, too shy to appear himself, Sam inspires his fans to write a book of their own.
Our hero is introduced on the front cover, sword in hand, standing atop a cat's face on a book, his foot on a pencil. The back and title page have him kneeling between books, hushing finger to mouth. Naturalistic vignettes and full-page scenes show Sam at work or imagining, as well as an active library. The titles of the books around him add to the fun.
Publisher : Scholastic
Selling Price : RM18.00
Code : SC48

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