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My Very First Book of Colors (SOLD)

NEW Board Book : My Very First Book of Colors by Eric Carle
Learning colors is fun, especially when you have a book created by such as well-known artist and the book is set up as an activity. The pages are split in half. On one side is a color, and kids are asked to match it with a picture on the other side. The word naming the color appears on the left hand side of the page. Carle's signature collages are a delight. This book can be a great way for parents to help their youngsters learn. The pages also provide an opportunity for discussion to extend the lesson. For example, when using the picture of the snowman, you could also ask what else is white, what is black, what do you think snow is like?
Publisher : Philomel
List Price : USD$5.99
Selling Price : RM20.00
Code : PH10

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