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PF07 Charlie and Lola Snow is my Favourite and my Best (SOLD)

NEW Hardback Picture book : Charlie & Lola Snow is my Favourite and my Best by Lauren Child
Lola is very excited at the prospect of snow. As she says, snow is her favorite and her best. She and her brother Charlie go to the park the day after the snowfall and play with their friends Marv, Lott, and Sizzles the dog. But the very next day the snow is gone. Lola is very sad and asks her brother why there cannot be snow every day. Charlie tries to explain that, like birthdays, if there was snow every day it would not be as special. Then he and Lola imagine going to the Arctic and the Antarctic so he can show Lola what having snow every day would be like. Charlie is the kind of big brother every little sister would want to have, never losing his temper with Lola and showing how much he cares about her through his patient explanations and examples.
Publisher : Puffin
List Price : 7.99pounds
Selling price : RM35.00 RM28.00
Code : PF07

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