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Charlie Cook's Favorite Book (SOLD)

NEW Picture Board book: Charlie Cook's Favorite Book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler
Opening with the classic, "Once upon a time." the journey begins as Charlie Cook reads a book about a pirate who discovers a treasure chest. Inside the treasure chest is a book about three bears who come across Goldilocks looking at Little Bear's favorite book about a knight who is sharing a joke book. And so on and so forth until the reader is treated to bits of eleven different books; ending with a ghost reading her favorite book about a cozy armchair and a boy called Charlie Cook.
The illustrations are bold and bright with the wrap-around cover of the book incorporating most of the key characters of each story. The endpapers skillfully depict a wooden shelf lined with life-sized book bindings. While inside the pages of the story, it appears that another book is lying on top of the book you are reading. The yellowed torn edges of the pirate story have the book title on one page and the chapter heading on the other. My First Encyclopedia has dogged-eared pages with definitions and illustrations in columns down the side. Other pages bring to mind your favorite fairy tale or magazine.
Charming and witty, this picture book ends with all the characters standing around Charlie's chair while he is reading. Even adults and older students would find humor in this circular tale.
Publisher : Macmillan
List Price : 5.99pounds
Selling Price : RM20.00
Code : MC08

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