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Where's My Teddy Book & CD Set (SOLD)

NEW Hardback Picture book & Audio CD Set: Where's my Teddy? by Jez Alborough
(NOTE* Packaging is slightly dented but contents are in perfect condition)
The story tells of the mix-up of two stuffed toys, one belonging to a small boy and the other to a giant bear. The rhyming text will keep readers turning pages, while their fear of the unknown and the ensuing visual absurdity will keep them riveted. Although the real bear looms ominously large at first, he becomes less of a threat once it becomes clear that his only concern is his own teddy and not the trembling boy. Children will be reassured to find that creatures big and small need their steady comforts.
CD includes stories, music, games & activities. Total running time is 29 minutes
Publisher : Walker Books
List Price : 7.99pounds
Selling Price : RM32.00 
Code : WK10

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