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PH07 The Very Busy Spider Miniature (SOLD)

NEW Mini Hardback Book The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle
Every young child should be introduced to this story, as great a classic as its predecessor, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. This colorful picture book describes a spider's day. Blown onto a farmyard fence, she starts to spin a web. The other animals ask if she wants to play, but in every case "the spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web." The book is touchable: elements including the strands of web are embossed on the pages and you can follow them with your fingertips. But the best thing by far is Carle's familiar, yet still breathtaking skill as an illustrator.
Publisher : Philomel
List Price : USD$5.99
Selling Price : RM20.00
Code : PH07

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