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HC07 Mog's Amazing Birthday Caper (SOLD)

NEW Softcover Picture Book : Mog's ABC (Amazing Birthday Caper) by Judith Kerr
Enjoy another classic yarn about everyone’s favorite family cat, as the endearing and accident-prone feline has a frisky alphabet adventure.On the day of Debbie’s birthday party, Mog sets off on an adventure through the alphabet. Along the way, she meets the Dragons in the Dark and the Jaguar with a Jug of Jelly. "M" is for Mog, but to her surprise, it’s also for the Mad Mouse Monster of her dreams. The perfect book for anyone learning their ABCs—and a must for all Mog fanciers.
Publisher : Harpercollins
List Price : 5.99pounds
Selling Price : RM25.00
Code : HC07

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