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Charlie Cook's Favorite Book (SOLD)

NEW Hardback Picture book: Charlie Cook's Favorite Book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler
This author/illustrator team's latest is a circular tale about reading, about stories and about how, in life, they often intersect. This begins with Charlie Cook perched upon a chair reading his favorite book. It's about a pirate forced to walk the plank, who swims to an island and finds a treasure chest containing a book. In it is the story of Goldilocks, who Baby Bear finds in bed reading his favorite book -  a tale of dragons and knights. The knight postpones fighting the dragon to tell a joke . . . from his favorite book. And so it continues, until the final character's book, coincidentally about a boy named Charlie Cook. 
Scheffler's artwork is perfect for the premise. The outline of each "book" and its pages border every spread. Colors and similar characters unify the illustrations, which, at the same time, are made to suit the individual subjects of the different "books." Ages 4-8.
Publisher :Dial Books (Penguin) 
List Price :USD$16.99
Selling Price : RM39.00
Code : PG07

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