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Wind-Wild Dog (SOLD)

NEW Hardback Picture Book : Wind-Wild Dog by Barbara Joosse & illustrated by Kate Kiesler
The story begins like this:
The night Ziva was born, the wind held its breath. Ziva's mother, a sled dog, licked her newborn pup, then nuzzled her softly. Ziva squirmed into the pile of pups and lapped and smacked at her mother's milk.
Suddenly the wind picked up. Wolves prowled against the moon. Ziva pointed her small, wet nose into the wind and sniffed.
Weeks later, Ziva opened her puppy eyes. One was brown, the other blue

Ziva's blue eye was the wild one. It made her want to run with the wind. But her brown eye? That was the one that made her love the man, and want to "shadow his bootsteps."
The man knew that one day Ziva would choose. Would she choose the wind, or would she choose him?
What's it like to be part of a dog team, and race across Alaska on the winter solstice?
Publisher : Henry Holt
List Price : USD$16.95
Selling Price : RM38.00
Code : HH03

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