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Sleep Tight, Little Bear Book & DVD Set (SOLD)

NEW Paperback Picture book & DVD set : Sleep tight Little Bear by Martin Waddell
Includes a DVD with extracts from the text of the book - read by Martin Waddell Master Storyteller himself
When the cub finds a small cave, it seems just the right size for him. He sets up house there, with Big Bear's reassuring presence nearby. At bedtime, he asks to sleep alone in his new home, and Big Bear agrees. Then, Big Bear plodded all the way back to the Bear Cave alone, without Little Bear. The accompanying illustration demonstrates how much Firth's work adds to this simply written and graceful story. Big Bear is seen from behind, walking away, holding a lantern; he's a beacon of light and safety as a soft darkness falls over the forests and mountains
Publisher : Walker Books
Selling Price :RM35.00
Code : WK17

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